The Ring of Polycrates💍🐟

PON his battlements he stood, And downward gazed in joyous mood, On Samos' Isle, that owned his sway. "All this is subject to my yoke;" To Egypt's monarch thus he spoke,-- "That I am truly blest, then, say!" "The immortals' favor thou hast known! Thy sceptre's might has overthrown All those who once were like to thee. Yet to avenge them one lives still; I cannot call thee blest, until That dreaded foe has ceased to be.
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Vim Configuration

A while ago I started using Vim or (neoVim for that matter) for basically all writing tasks. While as I presume many Vim-startes did I encountered a lot of minor obstacles on my way to better understand the program. Here are some of my most remarakable discoveries after the vimtutor: Changing search to ignorecase and smart case It is generally useful to mark your search case-insensitive when looking for a specific word or phrase.
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About Dancing 🕺 [GER]

Der Tänzer Ich sah einst im Theater einen Tänzer, der mir und vielen anderen Leuten, die ihn ebenfalls sahen, einen tiefen Eindruck machte. Er verspottete den Boden mit seinen Beinen, so wenig Schwere kannte er, und so leicht schritt er dahin. Eine graziöse Musik spielte zu seinem Tanz, und wir alle, die im Theater saßen, dachten darüber nach, was wohl schöner und süßer könne genannt werden, die leichtfertigen lieblichen Töne oder das Spiel von des lieben, schönen Tänzers Beinen.
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Switching to Hugo

Hello there, I switched over to Google’s static website generator Hugo in order to be able to update my webpage more easily. The website builds a webpages assets within milliseconds while dynamically crossreferencing. Further, there are possibilities for implementing a Tag-System making reading more fun.
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How Juggling Changes Your Brain 🧠

In what seems like a debatable outcome of interest, our brain exemplifies one of its capabilites - plasticity. In multiple studies researchers compared the grey matter (neuronal cell bodies) as well as white matter (composed of dendritic processes of neuronal cell bodies, commonly referred to as nerves) of people actively training juggling and control groups who don’t. With magnet resonance imaging (MRI)[ voxel based morphometry, VBM for black matter and Diffusion Tension Imaging, DTI) the participants’ brains were assessed and screened for changes.
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